Neutron Stars: towards a general view (WG5 meeting)

Neutron Stars: towards a general view (WG5 meeting)

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our pleasure to announce the meeting on “Neutron stars: towards a general view” is a meeting that will take place at the INAF Astronomical Observatory of Rome, on March 19-21, 2018. It is the first meeting of the working group WG5: “Neutron star magnetospheres, acceleration mechanisms, environment and jets" of the PHAROS Cost Action. This meeting will bring together observers, plasma physicists, astrophysicists, and numerical  simulation experts, with the aim of sharing new ideas and push forward our understanding on how particles can be accelerated in the  vicinity of pulsars.

Date:         Monday March 19 - Wednesday 21, 2018

Place:       INAF Astronomical Observatory of Rome

Web site:

* Topics covered in this workshop:

- pulsar magnetosphere

- Pulsar wind nebulae

- Supernova remnants

- Supernova, Fast radio bursts and GRB as NS progenitors

- pulsars in binary systems


* Scientific program and abstract submission:

All presentations will be organized in plenary sessions as invited talks as well as some contributed talks and poster presentation. All participants are encouraged to submit their contribution at registration

* Important dates:

9 March 2018 — Deadline for abstract submission

9 March 2018 — Deadline for bank transfer fee payment

15 March 2018 — Deadline for early registration


We are looking forward to seeing you in Rome!